Highlights from this year’s show are the million dollar bra which was valued at 2 million this year.
Total the show featured 55 women and 88 different looks and had over 3000 guests in attendance
The MELANIN count in this year’s show was at an all time high. Not only do we have BLACK WOMEN but we have BLACK WOMEN with strong AFRICAN features such as short hair and wide noses and I am so here for it and loving it. This goes to show that other forms of beauty outside of the typical European standards are finally being accepted and acknowledge. This is something that girls no matter there color world wide needs to see.
Unfortunately there was a little hiccup in this year’s show. Literally the one thing you do not want to happen actually happened and that is the ultimate act of falling on the runway. The unfortunate event happened to an Asian Model who happened “Ming Xi” of China.
The fall was literally one that could not be stopped. Due to the possible slippage of the runway and the exact way that Ming placed her foot on the ground it was destined to be a disaster from the moment her heel struck that dreadful spot. Ming literally stepped and slipped/slid forward. But like a true Angel, she fell with a small on her face and got up and finished her walk.
Honestly that is something I do not want to ever happen to me on a runway but if it just so happen to occur, hey whatever ish happens. I am surprised that th show producer did not edit out Ming’s fall.
The beautiful Alessandra walked the Victoria Secret runway one final time
Like always the show was a success and had Women world wide yearning for better healthy and a bette body
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria