I will admit I have spent some coins to see Beyoncé and they have all been in concert 6 times to be exact ( OKC, Phoenix, Philly, Houston, Chicago, New Orleans) but this $16 was the icing on any cake.
As an avid Beyonce fan who stings the haters daily when they try to diss, talk trash, or come for Queen Bey I always make it my duty to see her one time a year. I mean she’s too beautiful, gracious, and humble not to see on a yearly basis. Knowing that she’s growing the life of two babies within her womb I knew that my for sure chance to see her in 2017 would be at this years Coachella Music Festivale simply because after she gives birth to the twins she could possible go ghost on the world and focus on being a mother which is expected and acceptable.
Being that is the case I think its best that I maximize all my opportunity to be in the presence of Beyonce. This weekend I went home to Mobile ALABAMA to speak to some of the students at my high school and to attend a local Mardi Gras Ball.
After that I went to New Orleans to spend time with my extended sister and best friend Jazi and to partake in some of the NBA All Star festivities.
Myself and Jazi were trying to figure out what we were doing Saturday night in NOLA and we both saw that Solange’s was hosting an event so being that we both are proud Stans of the Knowles Sisters attending her event was a must, plus we know what kind of vibe Solange embodies so we decided to attend the Saint Heron “The Secret Life of Plants” event with the intent of enjoying great music and hopefully seeing the Solange and possibly Beyonce.
Now originally we had no clue what was in store for us being that neither of us had never attended a Saint Heron event nor did we know what exactly what the secret life of plants entailed. So we did some research and found out it as related to Stevie Wonder’s Journey Through “The Secret Life of Plants” which is an album by Stevie Wonder. So I was schooled in the realm of black music and it’s history from Solange and her event.
Solange arrived first and as always she was making one hell of a fashion statement and I am here for it and all her fashion flair and flava. This woman truly lives her life for her and not for anyone else and I love it.
About 15 minutes later Beyonce and JayZ walked in and at that moment my heart rate increased and excitement took over. I literally was in utter disbelief that our plan had worked out. Honestly after the excitement wore off calmness took over. Because around Bey I’m usually just in awe of her beauty and screaming on the inside while calm on the outside. I like to portray a cool image and I’m not to fond of acting life a fanatic fan especially because Beyonce is such a chill and calm person so I am trying to be the same way.
This time was different from the rest because I was not seeing Beyonce in Sasha Fierce mode I was seeing Beyonce as her calm none performance mode self. She did not have an agenda and she was not their to entertain. She was simply there to support her sister and to chill and vibe as a regular American citizen.
I had seen her twice in basketball arenas, twice in football arena and I twice in baseball arena’s but never did I ever imagine that I would get to vibe out to great music with one of my best friends in an old abandoned warehouse in the middle of New Orleans.
Okay so once I knew Beyonce was on the scene I made it my business to get a picture simply because if you don’t have photo proof it did not happen, also I need it to be known that my Beyhive standom is beyond real and I will literally set it off if you diss her in my presence……. back to the story …. so Beyonce comes into the random building we were in and she’s wearing a long sleeve knee length dress looking like a beautiful pregnant black woman
Jay Z is over in the corner with the skull cap on looking like a BOSS out here and I love it. I love his vibe as well and over the years I have grown to respect and admire him as a rapper and professional more and more.
For about an hour Beyonce sat and stood about 8 feet away from me and I was on cloud nine being that close to the Queen Bey. It was such a pleasant experience to dance with one of my girls, enjoy great music while watching Beyonce do the same and love up on her husband. It was great seeing her in such a chill environment where the fans were excited but still somewhat respectful of her wanting to be treated like a regular person and I am here for that because a sense of normalcy is something that someone of her caliber rarely gets to experience when she is out in public.
Additionally, Beyonce was not taking pictures with anyone but someone who was behind me and Jazi snapped a picture of Bey hugged up with Jay and you can see Jazi giving the annoyed stare and me at the bottom with the big hair ? Jazi is 6’2 and was giving everyone the death stare who was trying to snap pictures of Beyonce and the twins
My 2017 has officially been made and I do not have to go suffer through the Coachella crowd to get my 2017 Beyonce fix because I have gotten my entire life already in New Orleans this all star weekend. I died came back to life and died again.
Never in my life did I think I would basically drop $16 dollars to attend an event and see Beyonce, JayZ and Solange.
Thanks Solange for hosting the event, congrats on your first Grammy and congrats to Solo and Bey for making Grammys siblings history.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria