When I woke up the morning of 31 August 2016 I had quite a few notifications about the #VeteransForKaepernick hashtag that took off the night before. I immediately sat up and said to myself. “No this can’t actually be real” Honestly, I never saw anything like this taking off, but wow did my fellow veterans shock me and I am so proud right now.
Since this entire thing popped off, people have been using Veterans as a cop out to defend their racist rhetoric of tearing down and demolishing Kaepernick for choosing to take a stand. When I initially saw the Veteran excuse used I said to myself I am a Veteran and I do not see an issue with Kaepernick utilizing the freedom speech given to him by the first amendment in the Constitution. Upon entering the Armed Forces service take an oath to protect the CONSTITUTION. There is no oath taken to protect the Star Spangled Banner or the American Flag. We protect the CONSTITUTION which says clear as day that American Citizens have the right to freedom of speech which includes peaceful protesting
Shoutout to my fellow Veterans For Standing with Kaepernick, check out some of the tweets below
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria