I never really thought twice about some of the things that are said in Drunk In Love simply because I’m from the generation that is not afraid to talk about sex. We embrace it, discuss it, and live it. My generation does believe in sex being this hush hush topic that everyone only talks about behind closed doors.
The three women in the video below are from a complete different generation, therefore their personal opinions on Drunk In Love are basically completely opposite from what I think of the song. Check out their reaction to the lyric of the original song and the remix featuring Kanye West. Lets just say my viewpoint and there’s are complete opposites.
Either way I’m still a fan of the song and I will continue to get hype whenever I hear it being played
I'll be honest, I've never really thought about the lyrics as deeply as they were in the video. I can understand their commentary about it, because the lyrics can be seen as raunchy or explicit or whatever. But I agree that our views will be different because of generational differences. It's an interesting concept. Great read (and watch lol).
thanks for commenting you're awsome is so reassuring to see people commenting. Yes I agree the words are raunchy but I do appreciate that Bey doesnt straight out say whats on her mind. It's crazy how much differnce the generations are