Last night at the GRAMMYs Black women were hit with the cold hard truth once again. Most importantly the biggest entertainer on this planet was hit with the devastasting ugly truth that no matter how diverse, earth shattering and moving your music is, you still are not good enough. For the third time Beyonce was snubbed for Album of the year. This was so visibly unfair that even the winner herself Adele said that she could not accept the award becasuse she knew that her album 25 had nothing on Beyonce’s Lemonade album. Lemonade was not just an album. It was a freakin MOVEMENT. That inspired women world wide more importantly black women. It gave us a voice and exposed how vulnerable we are to the rest of the world.
The album of the year is suppose to honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position. Album of the year is the top award that an artist can be award and truly speaks on their impact and body of work within the music industry.
This marks the third time that Beyoncé has been snub for album of the year. In 2010 I am Sasha Fierce lost to Taylor Swift’s album Fearless. 2015 Beyoncé’s fifth self titled album lost to Beck’s Morning Phase and now in 2017 Lemonade loses to 25.
From the looks of it I see that the Recording Academy are contradicting itself. Because in 2015 it was apparently not about record sales but the 2017 winner hints that Album sales played a role in the winner that was chosen.
Lemonade was not just album of the year. It was album of the decade, nope make that album of the century. The album itself was a movement that consisted of music videos for every song that told a story that was interwoven into a bigger concept. The album focused on the struggle of the black woman and what she endures. Not only was Beyoncé able to dedicate an album to her fellow sisters, but she was also able to make those who were non black feel included in her movement as well (ask Adele). Lemonade has college course syllabuses written on it, numerous think pieces were written, remakes were created, and lives were changed.
Through Lemonade Beyoncé had me and millions of other women around the world engage in an emotional rollercoster. Beyoncé had women who are in relationship looking at their men sideways and she had single women thinking they were in a relationship having issues with a man that was none existent. Basically Beyoncé had me out here mad at a man who did not exist, who I kicked to the side, and then eventually took back. She had women world wide in Formation ready to take on any and every battle that life wanted to throw at our way.
Additionally Lemonade was so diverse that it contained music that fell into numerous genres to include folk, blues, country, rock, pop, r&b. Beyoncé performed her country based song Daddy’s Lesson at the 2016 Country Music Awards and she was nominated in the Rock Performance category at the 2017 Grammys.
With Lemonade Beyoncé shows that her talent is unending and unyielding. She is unpredictable and will continuously leave you guessing on what she will do next.
Now no offense to Adele and her album 25, honestly it’s a great vocal album but its another love album which is typical and predictable. The album lacks diversity and was not a part of a movement.
When the winner was announced, Adele shook her head. She did not want the award because she knew 25 did not measure up to what LEMONADE accomplished and demonstrated itself to be throughout this past year.
I have concluded that once again the Black Woman is seen as being less than and even when she’s able to make music for the women in her community and make other’s feel included she’s still not worthy of the biggest award in the music industry. Yet she can be used an abused for ratings, disrespected yet praised at the same time while still not being honored the way she truly deserves to be honest. If Beyoncé is being penalized because she made a album that focused on her community and trying times in America then I have is a big screw you to the Grammys and their inconsistent voting process. This loss has truly opened my eyes to what I always knew about the industry but chose to ignore. The last woman of color to win Album of the Year was Lauryn Hill in 1999 for her MisEducation of Lauryn HIll album. Beyoncé I know you put your heart and your soul into perfecting LEMONADE and giving us a product we can relate to, be proud of and grow from throughout time.
The GRAMMYs can go to hell because I am sick to death of this committee telling Beyonce she is not good enough.
Beyonce you know what PUT OUT AN ALBUM, submit your body of work to the Grammys and stay your beautiful self at home. Make it known you are at home, so the Beyhive and the rest of the world will not watch their award show. The Grammys ratings have been high the past 4 years and the main reason has been because of Beyonce, 3 out of the past 4 years she has performed. Do not give them any part of you since they do not want to respect your work Beyonce. You are too good for it. Race and being a black woman played a role in a momentous album not winning the accolades that it deserves
Shoutout to Adele for this statement
“There’s friendships I have that are completely tied to us being complete Beyonce stans. I don’t take any f—ing sh– when it comes to anyone not liking Beyonce. You can’t be in my life. You simply can’t.”
Adele yes girl if you don’t like Beyonce you obviously do not like me.
Lastly I would like to say thank you Beyonce. Although those blind folks on the Grammy voting panel did not appreciate your work just know millions worldwide are thankful for lemonade and some of us even cried right along with you when you were not awarded album of the year as you rightfully deserved. Keep slaying Beyonce’s and we will be in formation ready to receive the slayage
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria