On June 9, 2017 the reality tv star turned Assistant to the president and director of communications office of public liaison Omarosa Manigault wrote a letter to the Chairman of the CBC. For those of you who don’t know, she was the woman Trump put in charge to earn the support of African Americans not realizing we do not kick it with her.
My first question is…..
1) Why did it take almost 3 months for the White House to follow up with the CBC?
2). Why is Omarosa signing anything with the word HONORABLE in front of her name? GIRL BYE !!!! ?? you are really trying it.
3). Why were these issues not worked on immediately? Oh, never mind I forgot that Black lives are not important to this current administration.
I was not here for Omarosa’s letter and neither was Chairman Richmond who responded with the following letter.
The CBC has written 3 letters to 45 and has given him a 130 page policy on the current state of the community that the CBC represents and what needs to be done. Yet they have heard nothing back. They have basically been ignored by 45 and his Administration.
The CBC will not be ignored and used as a photo op. The last photo op that occurred was with the President’s of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Which has resulted in millions being cut from HBCU’s in Fiscsl Year 2018 budget plan.
I love that Chairman Richmond responded with
“Given the lack of response to any of the many concerns we have raised with you and your Administration, we decline your invitation for all 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus to meet with you. The CBC, and the millions we represent, have a lot to lose under your Administration. I fail to see how a social gathering will benefit the policies we advocate for. ”
He basically said we did not come to play with this Administration, we came to Slayyyyyyyyyyyyy and if you’re not here to help us rebuild and uplift our communities then get the Heck out of our way.
I’m proud of the CBC for putting their foot down and resisting the foolishness that currently resides in the White House.
Just know the CBC tried to play nice but they wanted to be shady and ignore us.
To everyone who thinks this is a bad move on the CBC’s part, think about this
-they met with 45 on March 22, presented him with a 130 page policy
-wrote 3 letters to 45 along with 2 letters to Sessions and 1 Devos and still did not receive a response.
What more do you want the CBC to do because honestly if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.
So to 45 and his Administration
No You Can’t Sit With Us
Nawl we good on your photo op
You had your chance but lost it, deuces.
Check out what Twitter had to say below
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria