Thanksgiving 2016

I really love the Holiday season and unlike some people I like to lump Thanksgiving right into the mix of the Christmas holiday season. I mean why not, most cities around the country have already had their christmas tree lightings and decorations are up in some places. For the past 8 years ( since high school 2008) I have not been home in Mobile, Alabama for Thanksgiving. I do not go home because I honestly have no reason to go home. Thanksgiving is a time where the family gets together, mama’s and aunties throw down in the kitchen, and love is spread far and near. That is not the case for me. My mother has never cooked for Thanksgiving and overall it is not a loving family event for me. If I was to go I would probably end up at my Godmothers, grandmothers, or one of my friend’s parents house. I also think it’s a great time to visit family and extended family, because it is always a given that I’m going home to Alabama for Christmas that is until I establish my own family.

This year I decided to spend Thanksgiving in North Carolina simply because of the family that I have that live in the state that had never really met. This thanksgiving I had the opportunity to meet some of my family members from my mother’s maternal side of the family ( THE MURCHISON). It was exciting to learn a few things about my family history and lineage along with meeting a plethora of cousins. It was welcoming to be around so much family.



This day was travel day and as always it can be hectic flying on the day before Thanksgiving. Additionally I had class that day along with having to drive 3 hours South of Lawton Oklahoma to fly out of Dallas. Let’s just say Wednesday was very hectic for me. Thankfully I got out of class a little after 2:30 pm, went home and packed ( I was late doing that ) and hit the road to Dallas. My flight left at 8:25 pm so I was not too pressed for time. I flew into Raleigh, quickly made my way to Enterprise, got my rental car and stayed the night with a friend.

The morning of Thanksgiving I woke up and drove to Sanford, NC to spend time with one of my older cousins (she seems more like a motherly figure) . We come from different sides of the family but trace our roots back to Jack Murchison. My cousin Vickie took me around the Sanford/Oliva area to meet some of my family members. We had Thanksgiving dinner and talked and mingled.

I really enjoyed meeting people in my family. I was the most excited about meeting my Great Great Aunt Jenny Bell Murchison. She’s the sister of my Great Grandmother the late Mildred Murchison Dowdy.

She’s technically the oldest living family member (89) from my Great Grandmother’s side and I’m blessed to have met her for the first time and give her a great big hug.


Friday I drove to Raeford to visit one of my friends ( Ashley) I had met while in college in NSBE ( National Society of Black Engineers)

After that I went back to Vickie’s and hung out until it was sadly time for me to say goodbye and hit the road to Charlotte. I left early evening and drove to Charlotte to kick it with my girl Tiye who has such a bubbly and awesome personality, I love hanging with her. We were both under the assumption that we were going to go hang out some where but neither one of us were up for going out being that we had both just driven from the Fayetteville area. We ended up having a girls night in and I introduced her to the awesomeness that is “Being Mary Jane”.


I woke up in Queen City (Charlotte). Myself and Tiye went and got breakfast at this spot that sold amazing Crepes, I literally want to go to France to taste the real thing now that I have had the great Amerian version.

I left Tiye around noon and went and met up with one of my mentors/big sis/West Point coach Ray. She was already out and about at the mall with her friend who she had spent thanksgiving with, so I literally met them at the mall where we walked around, shopped, and caught up. I left Charlotte around 2pm and went to Greensboro to catch up with one of my West Point Track teammates. Unfortunately by the time I got there he had fallen asleep and was not responding to my texts so I sat around for about 40 minutes and continued onto Raleigh. I got to Raleigh went to my cousin’s house ( who’s originally from my hometown in Alabama) watched Alabama ROLLLLLLLLLLL all over Auburn and worked on my last paper for grad school until 2am in the morning


I literally sat around all day at my cousins house being a bum. I needed to sit still anyways. I had other people I needed to see in Raleigh, but instead chose to be lazy until my flight left that night.

Overall all my Thanksgiving weekend was great. I got to meet some of my family for the first time and visit with some of my favorite melanated sistahs ( I love my girls if you cant tell). I just wanted to share with my friends, family, and followers my Thanksgiving adventures and wanted to let everyone know to always live your life to the fullest. LIVE FOR YOU.


Remember To Always Be

Fierce and Fabulus

xoxo Lela Victoria


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