I have this odd obsession with watching movies/TvShows and reading books that are centered around slavery. I think it stems from wanting to learn more about my culture, community, and the current state of the black community in present day society. This year we were introduced to the ground breaking show UNDERGROUND which premiered on […]
Birth of a Nation *movie review*

Birth of a Nation straight up rocked my soul. I literally left the movie theatre in a trance and for some reason had to control my breathing because I was so emotional. I’m writing this review while listening to Nina Simone’s Strange Fruit because it was the song that touched me the most from the film. […]
Birth of a Nation trailer

The trailer for “Birth of a Nation” has finally been released. The story is a powerful one indeed and depicts the story of NAT TURNER and his will to fight back. For those of you who are lacking a bit in the history of black folks in America, Nat Turner led a massive slave rebellion […]