One of the most amazing feelings in this world is having phenomenal women in your life. These friends are there for you through thick and thin and will always have your back. This type of love can be seen in the movie “Girls Trip” starring Queen Latifah (Dana Elaine Owens), Jada Pinkett Smith, Regina Hall, […]
movie review
Beauty and the Beast (Movie Review)

As a young girl I grew up on Disney Movies and the Disney Channel, therefore seeing that Beauty and the Beast was in the making of being turned into a modern-day movie had me super excited. Being that I wanted to be one of the first to write a review about the movie I went […]
Almost Christmas *movie review*

Christmas and the holiday season fall very high on my list of favorite things. Therefore I adore Christmas movies, especially ones centered around the Black Family. When I first saw the preview for “Almost Christmas” along with the cast line up I knew it was going to be a good one. The movie focuses on […]
Birth of a Nation *movie review*

Birth of a Nation straight up rocked my soul. I literally left the movie theatre in a trance and for some reason had to control my breathing because I was so emotional. I’m writing this review while listening to Nina Simone’s Strange Fruit because it was the song that touched me the most from the film. […]
When The Bough Breaks ( movie review)

I have been anticipating this movie all year, simply because the trailer was absolutely bomb and it pulled me in. The movie has this slow and mellow vibe throughout the majority of the movie, but the last 20 or so minutes are pretty intense. If you have not scene the trailer, check it out […]
SOUTHSIDE with you (movie review)

All I have to say is that President Barack Obama set the standard for first dates. He showed up and showed out on his first date with Michelle, but according to Michelle it was not a first date. She was persistent to remind the audience along with Barack of it not being a date all […]