A new Miss America has been crowned and she’s ready to take on the 2018-2019 season. The new Miss America (92nd title holder) is Nia Imani Franklin who represented the state of New York. The competition took place at the Whelan Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey and for the first time in the […]
miss america
Miss America 2017

The Miss America 2016 pageant was held in Atlantic City, NJ. I like to consider this particular pageant system to be ( the girl next door ). There’s a distinct difference between the girls in the Miss America system versus the Miss USA system. There a few who participate in both systems but overall theres […]
Miss America and #BlackGirlMagic

The Miss America Beauty Pageant will air tonight on ABC 8c/9e. Among the 52 competitors 3 of the ladies are of African descent and rock that beautiful melanin. Colorado, District of Columbia and New York are the contestant who possess that lovely Black Girl Magic and I’m rooting them on towards the crown and Miss […]
- Lela Victoria
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As a young black girl in America, I enjoyed all things that fell into the beauty realm, to include BEAUTY PAGEANT. Every year I would watch our gorgeous state delegates in the Miss USA and Miss America pageant on national tv and someday dreamed that I could be one of those fabulous women on […]