NIKE has been winning lately with their advertisements and the support they have shown to athletes from all backgrounds. On September 3, 2018, they pulled the ultimate card by announcing Colin Kaepernick as the face of the 30th Anniversary of the #JustDoIt campaign. This simply means FIGHT FOR whatever cause you are passionate about even […]
Feidin Santana by MRG

I was recently introduced to a song entitled Feidin Santana by one of my friends and I instantly fell in love with the lyrics of this song. The artist is MRG and it is produced by Mr. Carmack and in his song he highlights the shooting of Charleston resident Walter Scott. Walter Scott was killed […]
#VeteransForKaepernick Trends on Twitter

Yesterday I felt the need to speak out in support of Colin Kaepernick as a Black woman in America and today although I hardly ever mention it, I will speak out and support his actions as a Veteran. When I woke up the morning of 31 August 2016 I had quite a few notifications about […]
A Black Woman who stands with Colin Kaepernick

Throughout time Black Women have continuously had the backs of Black Men and we will continue to do so, therefore I stand with Colin Kaepernick and his decision on not to stand during the national anthem. I truly do not understand what all the uproar is about when it comes to a man who just […]
Having BLACK UNITY and PRIDE as a black woman at WEST POINT and in The AMERICAN Society

On May 22, 1962 Malcolm X made the following statement “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman, the most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman” 54 years later and this statement still holds true in American society. This statement breaks […]
Beyonce Visual Album “LEMONADE”

Beyonce does it again, she has given us another visual album and I live. She premiered it on 23 April via HBO. After the premiere she released the album via Tidal. That move was predictable and I respect and understand why she released it via Tidal. Beyonce is passed the phase where she’s selling albums […]