Vogue is the top Fashion Magazine in the world, therefore we all know what an honor and privilege it is to grace the cover of such a prestigious magazine. That is not the case when it comes to Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter appearing on the cover. In reality, it is the complete opposite of what […]
black women
#BlackWomenLead Stacey Abrams has won the Democratic Nomination for Governor of Georgia

Black Women are still out here trying to break through the glass ceilings that lay before us and on May 22, 2018 another crack was put in that ceiling when Stacey Abrams clinched the Democratic Nomination for Governor of Georgia. She did this by winning roughly 76.5% of the votes while her counterpart earned only […]
California Dreaming and letting my #BlackGirlMagic shine all over SoCal

Y’all know I like to travel simply because I have things to do and people to see. But yearly I have a goal to visit LA and NYC at least once a year. Easter 2017 I took my annual trip to LA ( 5th visit) and decided to do the whole tourist thing being that […]
VOGUE, natural hair, and serving the nation as a Black Woman

As a young girl, one of the things I always dreamed of was being a Supermodel which included goals such as walking for Victoria Secret and being featured in Vogue Magazine. Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell were my role models and daily I practiced my fierce model walk. Now at the age of 27 I […]
Girls Trip “Movie Review”

One of the most amazing feelings in this world is having phenomenal women in your life. These friends are there for you through thick and thin and will always have your back. This type of love can be seen in the movie “Girls Trip” starring Queen Latifah (Dana Elaine Owens), Jada Pinkett Smith, Regina Hall, […]
The Grammys once again tells Beyonce and LEMONADE that she is not good enough

BLACK WOMEN have always had to work TWICE AS HARD…..TO BE HALF AS GOOD. This goes for every career field in every industry. Which means to surpass the mediocre and basics we have to work 4 to 5 times harder, and seriously it gets tiring. Last night at the GRAMMYs Black women were hit with […]
Does ISSA RAE’s INSECURE speak to your inner Black Girl

I have been a follower of Issa Rae’s work since her Awkward Black Girl days on youtube (that wasn’t her first series but it was the series that made me fall in love with her personality) While many of you may not have heard of Awkward Black Girl there are thousands of us who have […]
Why Black women need to get in FORMATION, and have a sip of LEMONADE

When BEYONCE GISELLE KNOWLES CARTER says get in #FORMATION ✊? you do not hesitate, you do not ask questions, you do cont contemplate, you do not think twice about that order. You simply grab your sister on your left and right and assume the position. I am a firm believer in positivity and uplifting your […]
Having BLACK UNITY and PRIDE as a black woman at WEST POINT and in The AMERICAN Society

On May 22, 1962 Malcolm X made the following statement “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman, the most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman” 54 years later and this statement still holds true in American society. This statement breaks […]