The journey of a Black Woman in America and the world is that of many obstacles, bumps and stumbles along the way. As Langston Hughes wrote, “Life for me aint been no crystal stair”. Which simply means that life has been quite a roller coaster of ups and downs, good and bad that I fully […]
VOGUE, natural hair, and serving the nation as a Black Woman

As a young girl, one of the things I always dreamed of was being a Supermodel which included goals such as walking for Victoria Secret and being featured in Vogue Magazine. Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell were my role models and daily I practiced my fierce model walk. Now at the age of 27 I […]
Black Girl Magic at Miss USA 2017

It is that time of year once again where a new Miss USA is crowned. It is bitter sweet having to say goodbye to our Miss USA 2016 the fabulous Deshauna Barber. She was the first queen to be crowned that had served or is serving in the U.S Military. Deshauna reminds me so much […]