Y’all know we are anxiously awaiting news on how Beyonce and the twins are doing. We want to know health status, gender, and of course what unique names Beyonce bestowed upon her twins. Thursday a video was released of President Barack Obama congratulations the recent inductees into the song writers music hall of fame. Obama […]
barack obama
Thank You President Barack Obama…..my thoughts on his farewell speech and his phenomenal legacy

THANK YOU PRESIDENT BARACK H. OBAMA. Thank you for your phenomenal leadership as the President of the United States. Thank you for representing the Black Community in such a classy fashion simply because so many were rooting for you to fail, but instead you aced the Presidency test As I write my thoughts on Obama’s […]
SOUTHSIDE with you (movie review)

All I have to say is that President Barack Obama set the standard for first dates. He showed up and showed out on his first date with Michelle, but according to Michelle it was not a first date. She was persistent to remind the audience along with Barack of it not being a date all […]