I wish these negative Nancy’s would go and worry about your their own bodies and police that up, because those who have a problem with Patrice’s attire are either jealous they don’t look that good or are more than likely insecure. Now I’m not saying that’s the case for everyone who has an issue but it definitely fits the scripts for some folks.
The entire debate sparked the hashtag #TeacherBae
I dont here anyone saying anything about the skinny/thin woman who wears a form fitting dress. The only reason it is an issue for curvy women is because society has had the audacity to sexualize the body of a woman, especially the body of a black woman. Although society for the most part praises curves, it can be a pain in the butt having them. I’m blessed with the infamous black girl booty. I always have to be cautious about what I wear because of the way I know society will perceive me, which should not always be the case. I have also learned to live my life for me and do what I want. When you are curvy whether it be on the bottom or the top their is usually no way to hide your curves so you are better off embracing them.
Now my question is which teacher is dressed unprofessional and inappropriate and if you choose one of the two ( WHY)
Even if Patrice wore this yellow dress people would still have an issue with it and that’s because the black woman has already deemed to be more sexual than women from other cultures. We do nothing to have this target on our back, it’s just society’s way of bringing us down and deminishing our self worth.
For everyone who has a problem with Ms Brown choosing to wear clothing that fits her body please let us all know ( in the comment section ) what should she wear to work. I’m more than sure if she tried to hide her curves and wore big and baggy clothes people would say that she was dressing in an unprofessional manner.
Patrice has removed all her classroom pics from her Instagram account and has apparently been counseled which makes no sense. I really wish society would learn to police up themselves and their own community before having the audacity to try to tell a beautiful, intelligent, curvaceous, black woman how she should be ashamed of her body and cover up.
One day black women will not be sexualized and I can’t wait for their day to come.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria