Earlier this year the Black Greek World was shook when it was announced that a reality tv show based around the sororities of the Divine Nine would be released and shown on VH1. The creator of the show was “Mona Scott Young” the creator of VH1s “Love and Hip Hop” tv series and many people decided to call her out for exploiting black women. I personally say if you call it exploitation then guess who allowed it to be done. The women on the show. I personally don’t think its exploitation, but call it what you want.
VH1 might be a step ahead of the rest of other networks when it comes to reality tv in the black community. Their newest reality show is set to premier Dec 15, 2014 with the title “Sorority Sisters”
Although many people dont agree with this show, Im more than sure they’re going to watch it. While watching lets keep in mind that even though it says reality tv there’s no way to know what is real and what is staged.
Upon hearing about the premiere of the show many Divine 9 greeks expressed negative opinions about the show. I’m greek but I’m not Divine 9 greek so maybe I honestly would never understand why people are upset. But there are people all over the reality tv realm and we know they are greek, and they have and are acting a fool yet no one sees anything wrong with them being on their perspective shows.
These ladies are the not the first members of a BGLOs to be featured on a reality tv show and will not be the last. I feel like people are making a big deal out the entire ordeal.
Let’s be honest, you might not agree with the show * But I bet you’ll be watching it* (side eye, yes I threw a little bit of shade)
The show follows the lives of 9 women who reside in BLACK HOLLYWOOD aka Atlanta, Georgia. The women come from all different back grounds and are members of the 4 Black Sororities in the Divine 9. For those of you not tracking the sororities are
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta
Zeta Phi Beta
Sigma Gamma Rho
The following bios were pulled straight from the VH1 website. Whoever did the bios seriously slacked off. I don’t understand how they can be content with putting only a sentence up for one of the cast members. Surely there’s something else about her that you can tell the people.
Adrene, owner of trendy boutique House of Adrene, is the go to wardrobe stylist for various celebrities and local socialites. Her career naturally comes with its own share of drama, but Adrene has no problem handling conflicts head on. Being 3,000 miles away from her family in L.A., and after a recent breakup with her ex boyfriend, Adrene often feels the world is against her and oftentimes doesn’t allow people to get to know “the real Adrene.”
APRILApril splits her time providing speech therapy to private clients, while working on her dissertation and running her Buckhead clothing store, House of Couture Boutique. Now she’s taking it one step further by launching an online store. April’s passion is fashion and she won’t let anyone stand in the way of her dreams!
Cat is a symbol of every young 20-something trying to find her footing post-college in the real world. After attempting to be a model, and spending years as a lowly assistant to A-list Atlanta photographer Derek Blanks, Cat has finally taken the initiative to pursue a career as a solo professional photographer.
Joy is a teacher by day to pay the bills, but her heart is in acting.
After college, Lydia experienced some high profile success as a professional dancer for Robin Thicke at the VMA’s. However, being a single mother to a 4 year old, Lydia has struggled to make ends meet! To get back on her feet, Lydia has left her daughter with her mother/grandmother in Alabama. As time and money dries up in Atlanta, Lydia gives up on her college dreams of dancing, and goes after her plan B of a career in public relations, to get her daughter to move to ATL. At 5’3″, Lydia is big on achieving her goals.
MeToya works for a clinical research organization and is very committed to her sorority. She felt a strong desire to pledge because she yearned to have the relationships and sisters she didn’t have growing up as an only child. As a single mother, MeToya has honed her skills as a hustler, always juggling odd jobs to pay the bills. In this next chapter of her life, MeToya wants to make stronger relationships with new sorors, weed out bad people in her life and finally get the closure she needs with her child’s father…who she admittedly still has feelings for.
Priyanka, a former Miss ASU is a multi-faceted individual – dances burlesque at night for fun, and pounds the pavement during the day in hopes of starting a big foot shoe line! Priyanka is very comfortable in her own skin. Priyanka will defend her lifestyle, family, beliefs and sorors against any haters. Priyanka is currently looking for a man.
Shanna grew up in Arkansas as an obese kid. Like the movie, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” Shanna fell in love with juicing in recent years and lost 70 pounds. Shanna is very sensitive about being white in an African-American sorority.
Veronica is as a choreographer, dancer, and makeup artist, and was previously a cheerleader for the Hawks, but after an injury sidelined her, she was forced out. Veronica has a fiancé who she’s in a long-distance relationship with – Veronica is in ATL, while he’s in Austin, TX. The couple is trying to figure out how to actually live together and finalize their wedding. Veronica is torn between living her dreams as a professional dancer or moving forward with the man she loves.
From the looks of things I think my favorite might just be Catherine Harper, I’ve been following her photography in Atlanta for a while so I already knew who she was before I knew she was on the show. Overall she seems to be a very well rounded motivating woman.
Let me know what you think of the show and if you’ll be tuning in.
nice one Lela xx
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I support you Soror Catherine Harper. #teamsgrho #teamharper
That's my sis! Ee-yip!
#SGRho #TeamHarper
I agree. I think that Catherine Harper will be the breath of fresh air needed in the series. She is an awesome representative of not only her sorority but African American women in general. She portrayed grace, poise and class in the first episode and I am looking forward to the remainder of the season. #TeamCatHarper #SGRho1922
Thank! for the article and Cat is my fav too but she is my Soror Women of substance choose Sigma Gamma Rho! #teamharper #teamsgrho