I decided to kick off Black History Month 2019 by indulging in celebrating the Essence of myself as a Black Woman. I chose to do this by releasing the photos from my favorite photoshoot of all time. In the photos I am comfortable in my skin covered in Gold and Red body paint embracing all of who I am. Although I look quite unique and exotic in the photos I am not truly happy with the photos. In the photos I exude confidence but I was a 27-year-old woman still searching for who I was and what was my purpose. I was the heaviest I had ever been in my entire life and I am still that size right now. Therefore, I was not and still am not happy with my body but that can easily be fixed. At this moment I’m content with these photos and how I look and decided to release them for the world to see.
I originally took the photos August 2017 in San Francisco, California but refrained from posting them because of what I thought others would think, because photos such as these are not widely accepted, and because I thought there would be negative reactions. Even I have my moments of where I let others influence the decisions that I make, but that is of the past and we are now here in the present able to enjoy and embrace this wonderful art work.
The beautiful painting upon my skin was created by the Phenomenal Renee Hamilton-McNealy. Additionally, the photography was done by her as well. I enjoyed this experience with her and it helped so much with coming out of my skin and loosening up. She’s a multi talented, free spirited, and amazing woman that I just so happened to have met when she was competing in the Ms. Veteran America competition back in 2016.
The Human Body is a form of ART that many tend to overlook at times. Every form, shape, figure, build, and curve is unique in its own manner. We should start celebrating our bodies more and that can be done by decorating it, showing it off, treating it right, and simply embracing it as is. Your body belongs to you and should not be hidden from others to see. We entered into this world simply as FLESH and SKIN. You only get one body why not do with it what you can and never be ashamed of what you have.
I begin this Black History Month by celebrating me and honoring the fact that I am my ancestors WILDEST Dreams and I vow to LIVE, LAUGH, and LOVE in their Honor. Royalty runs within my veins and I possess the power to control my destiny. I am in love with myself, where I have evolved from, and where I will go. Your opinions of me does not matter because I live for me and only me. My happiness is more important than anyone being comfortable. I challenge you to LIVE A LITTLE, LET LOOSE, and do not be afraid to just LET IT ALL HANG OUT.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria
Not appropriate for a member of the Military, especially for a senior leader. A true leader and NCO would recognize this and lead from the front by enforcing the standard. Claiming something is art does not take away from it being appropriate for Military members.
Being in the military does not mean that I have no say so on what I can and can not do with the body that I own. You stated that it is not appropriate but did not give detail on the issue. What EXACT thing did you actually SEE that did not meet your standard. In my opinion I am covered in paint from head to so and you do not specifically see anything.