She stepped on the scene with her first song (PON DE REPLAY) and since then she has been churning out hit after hit. To include the songs TAKE A BOW, UMBRELLA, WHATS MY NAME, ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD, S&M, CHEERS, AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN.
Rihanna is on top of the music industry right now and has collaborated with many of the industry’s top music artists. Rihanna is like a best friend to many of us girls. From my personal opinion she definitely could be one of my very best friend. She is very relatable and keeps in 100% majority of the time and thats exactly how I am.
Rhianna recently did an interview with the one and only OPRAH. In this interview she wore hardly any makeup and was very up close and personal with her life. She was bearing it all for the world and the Rihanna Navy to see.
This interview was unlike any other that Rihanna has ever done because in this interview she let her emotions get the best of her and showed the world that she is human. She revealed the vulnerable side of her while still remaining strong.
The interview started off with Oprah asking Rihanna about her grandmother (GRAN GRAN DOLLY) who she spent her last days with this summer. It was obvious that GRAN GRAN DOLLY was the light of Rihanna’s life. I saw this first hand since I follow Rihanna on twitter, and she constantly kept her fans informed on the health of her grandmother and the wonderful lsat days she was spending with such a wise woman. Rihanna said that her grandma taught her alot about forgiveness and loving your enemies. Rihanna said her GRAN GRAN DOLLY(was a legend ) her grandma passed away July 1st at the age of 72.
In the interview Oprah states that #Esquire magazine crowned Rihanna as being the SEXIEST WOMAN ALIVE and also said that Rihanna is the essence of the word that starts with the letter F but rhymes with puck. (I guess Oprah did want to curse on national TV)
The rest of the interview was a series of question that Oprah asked to Rihanna
1). (Oprah)How are you so comfortable sexually in your own skin?
(Rhianna) In the beginning I was not comfortable sexually in my own skin. I lived by the mentality (FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT) It was all pretend. I was not comfortable in my own skin in the beginning (NO WAY). It’s amazing how lonely you can feel and nobody understands, but the moment you reach out and you are vulnerable, somebody reaches out and that is why I put so much into my relationship with the RIHANNA NAVY. I want my fans to be comfortable with me having flaws. I am afraid of the pedastal that comes with being a celebrity. I just want to be on the same level as my fans. We all want love (We are all looking for the same thing).
2). (Oprah) Are you comfortable with being called a role model?
(Rihanna) No I am not comfortable with being referred to as a role model. I am uncomfortable mainly because of what the world has defined a rolemodel to be. In todays society to be a rolemodel means that you are a symbol of perfection and achieving perfection is almost impossible for anyone.
3) (Oprah) Who are you?
(Rihanna) You never think about this until someone actually asks you this question. I love to have fun and be spontaneous and am intrigued by things that are a little more on the adventurous side. I also just want people to feel good.
4) (Oprah)What is the hardest thing that you have to deal with?
(Rihanna) The hardest thing is being lonely.
5) (Oprah) When have you felt the loniest?
(Rihanna) There have been moments when I dont want to be seen as the victim and for people to not think that I am weak. Because of this I hold certain information in and choose not to tell anyone. There are some things that I don’t even share with my friends.
6) (Oprah) On Feb 8, 2009 Chris Brown was arrested for assault, his punishment was 180 hours of community service and 5 years of probation. ( I PERSONALLY FEEL LIKE CHRIS BROWN WAS GIVEN A FREEBEE). How did this incident leave you feeling
(Rihanna) I was hurt over the Chris Brown altercation. No one felt the way that I felt. (with tears in her eyes) she explains how the entire experience was embarrassing, humiliating, and hurtful. I lost my best friend and first love. It was not easy to understand and go through that with cameras everywhere and the world watching. The entire event turned into a circus. He made that mistake of hitting me because he needed help. I was worried about how and what people would think of him and whether he would get help. I was more concerned about him—–(THIS SHOCKS OPRAH AND SHOCKED THE HECK OUT OF ME) …After Rihanna ends up being the one abused in the end she was thinking about protecting Chris Brown.
7) (Oprah) Where does your relationship stand with Chris Brown?
(Rihanna) We have been working on our friendship and are now close friends again. When I see him sometimes I feel awkward and my stomach drops and that’s because I still love him. But although all of this is happening I still keep my POKER FACE on and try not show my true feelings. Chris Brown was the love of my life. I truly love him but the main thing is that he’s at peace with life.
8) (Oprah) Have you forgiven Chris Brown for hitting you
(Rihanna) I have forgiven him, it took me some time, because I was like this is not my fault and I was angry and it was showing in my clothes and attitude. During this time I repaired my relationship with my dad who was also violent within our household. I was able to make peace with my father because i realized what my father and Christ Brown did were very similar.
This interview was raw, real, and uncut. I loved seeing Rihanna in this light. She gave us an upclose and personal view of herself.
Thank you OPRAH for doing this interview and giving us the opportunity to see THE OTHER SIDE of Robyn Rihanna Fenty.
Wonderful job sweetie! I'm lovin your blog! Continue to do you baby girl! I'm proud of you!
Thanks mama, I'm just doing something I love. I miss you and love you, oh and thank you for taking the time to read the entry