Oh so you’re offended by BLACK LIVES MATTER

Recently in America we have been having issues with the killing of UNARMED African American citizens. Out of the recent unfortunate deaths was born the #BLACKLIVESMATTER campaign/movement.
#BLACKLIVESMATTER is a call to action that focuses on uplifting Black Lives world wide. It focuses on the millions of Black Lives that are incarcerated and the millions of Black women who are living in poverty. It does not only focus on the recent events with the law enforcement of America. Many people choose to not admit or would rather ignore the truth but reality is that in American Blacks are sometimes treated as second class citizens. Sometimes I question whether some people still have the 3/5th of a person mentality towards blacks.

I am  currently deployed to the Middle East in an area that is not really hostile so during the time we are not working we are allowed to wear regular clothes. Me personally I wear clothing that represent me and my community. Therefore I didn’t think twice about purchasing a #BlackLivesMatter shirt.

So I purchased the shirt and had no problem with wearing it. I’ve been wearing it off and on for about two months once every ten days or so ( being deployed my wardrobe is limited ) A few days ago a complaint email was sent to the higher ranking American military leadership on the base that consisted of a complaint against the wearing of clothing that contained the slogans #BlackLivesMatter #HandsUpDontShoot and #ICantBreathe. When I was notified that the complaint email had been sent and that I can no longer wear the shirt on base I immediately became upset. I was upset because right away I new that someone was trying to SILENCE ME. They were trying to take away the little bit of voice that I did have over here. My response to this dilemma can be expressed via the picture below. 
You will NOT take away my voice. I will respect the order of those higher than me but I will definitely consider filing a complaint because I feel as if I have been racially discriminated against. To think that I am going to accept this without a fight is ridiculous. I am going to make some noise and make more people uncomfortable. If anyone has a problem with someone wearing a #BLACKLIVESMATTER shirt especially if the person is black then I question if you think that person’s life matters. I personally feel offended that someone felt the need to file a complaint. I feel as if that person cares nothing about the life of the black person wearing the shirt (me) or anyone other black person. 
I am sick of people trying to act as if America does not have a problem, and that problem is RACISM. For years people in America have been trying to slap a band aid on RACISM and pretend as if it did not assist and within the past 3 to 4 years that band aid has slid off and the WOUND OF RACISM has been reopened. The solution to this is not to just slap another band aid onto racism but instead to talk about the issues and work towards making the country better for everyone. I love the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement and I’m thankful for those that created it. If you have a problem with a group of people uniting in order to create a better life, then I feel extremely sorry for you. 

Below is a list of Black Lives that Mattered and still do but others didn’t think so 
Dontre Hamilton, 31, was fatally shot 14 times by a police officer in a Milwaukee park. The officer was responding to a call from employees at a nearby Starbucks alleging that Hamilton, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, was disturbing the peace.

Eric Garner, 43, was killed after he was put in an illegal chokehold for 15 seconds by a white police officer — allegedly for selling loose cigarettes. Garner said “I can’t breathe” 11 times as he was held down by several officers on a sidewalk.
The officer who put Garner in the chokehold, Daniel Pantaleo, was not charged.


John Crawford, 22, was shot and killed by a police officer at a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio. There did not appear to be a confrontation with the police, and Crawford was unarmed — he had been holding a toy BB gun.
The officers involved in the shooting, Sean Williams and David Darkow, were not charged.

Unarmed Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. 
In November, a grand jury declined to charge Wilson in the fatal shooting. Brown’s death and the lack of charges against Wilson sparked protests, some of them violent, in Ferguson and across the nation.

Ezell Ford, a 25-year-old mentally ill man, was shot three times, including once in the back, by a white police officer. He was unarmed.
The investigation is still ongoing, but it has been placed on an “investigative hold”. So far, no charges have been filed against Sharlton Wampler and Antonio Villegas, the two officers involved.
Dante Parker, a 36-year-old father of five, died in police custody after being repeatedly stunned by a Taser in San Bernardino County.
The local investigation is still ongoing, but the NAACP has called for the federal government to take over, according to the San Bernadino Sun.
Tanisha Anderson, 37, died after officers in Cleveland allegedly slammed her head on the pavement while taking her into custody. 
Anderson’s family said she had bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
The investigation into the case remains ongoing, and no charges have been filed against the officers involved.
Akai Gurley, 28, was shot and killed by a police officer while walking in a dimly lit New York City public housing stairwell with his girlfriend. Gurley, who was unarmed, was pronounced dead at a hospital. New York Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton called the shooting an “accidental discharge.”
The officer, rookie Peter Liang, was charged with second-degree manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and two counts of official misconduct.
Tamir Rice, 12, was shot and killed by Cleveland police after officers mistook his toy gun for a real weapon.
The two police officers involved, Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, have not been charged. 
Rice’s family has filed wrongful death lawsuit against the officers and the city of Cleveland.
Rumain Brisbon, 34, was shot and killed by a Phoenix police officer who mistook a pill bottle for a weapon.
The officer, Mark Rine, was not charged following a probe by the Maricopa County attorney’s office, according to the New York Daily News.
Jerame Reid, 36, was shot and killed by police officers in Bridgeton, New Jersey. He was a passenger in a car driven by his friend, who was pulled over by police. 
In dashcam video footage of the stop, an officer is heard claiming that there is a gun in the glove compartment. Police shouted at Reid not to exit the car, but he did, with his hands apparently in front of his chest. That’s when officers Braheme Days and Roger Worley opened fire, striking Reid.
Days and Worley were placed on administrative leave with pay for the ensuing investigation, which remains ongoing. The shooting sparked protests and calls for the state attorney general to also investigate.
Tony Robinson, 19, was shot and killed by a Madison police officer who was responding to reports of someone disrupting traffic. 
Police said Robinson allegedly assaulted the officer, who then shot him three times. Robinson was unarmed.
The investigation remains ongoing.
Phillip White, 32, died while in police custody in Vineland, New Jersey. 
Police had responded to a call about White acting erratically and called an ambulance because he appeared to be in medical distress. A violent encounter ensued, and video footage appears to show a police dog biting White while he is on the ground. 
White was later pronounced dead at a hospital.
The officers involved have not been charged as the investigation continues.
Eric Harris, 44, was shot and killed by a 73-year-old reserve deputy officer who allegedly mistook his own gun for a Taser. The entire incident was captured on a dashcam video.
The officer, Robert Bates, was charged with manslaughter.
Walter Scott, 50, was shot by a police officer while running away from a traffic stop for a broken taillight. Officer Michael Slager claimed Scott had taken his stun gun. 
Slager was subsequently fired and charged with murder after a video surfaced showing Scott running away, his back to the officer, as Slager fired his gun
Freddie Gray, 25, died of a spinal cord injury a week after he was arrested by Baltimore police. 
It’s still unclear how Gray sustained the injury. Officials say he was stopped after fleeing “unprovoked upon noticing police presence” and arrested for allegedly possessing a switchblade. 
He was put in a police van, which is where police say he suffered a medical emergency. The officers involved in his arrest were placed on leave, and on Friday, the state’s attorney announced that they had been criminally charged in connection with Gray’s homicide.
Gray’s death sparked protests in Baltimore and other cities across the nation. On Monday, protesters and police clashed, prompting hundreds of arrests and Maryland’s governor to declare a state of emergency.

It is obvious that we have a problem in our country that needs to be fix and that comes from change being implemented in the law enforcement world and within the legal/justice system.

Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria 

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