Nia Franklin ( New York) wins Miss America 2019

A new Miss America has been crowned and she’s ready to take on the 2018-2019 season. The new Miss America (92nd title holder) is Nia Imani Franklin who represented the state of New York. The competition took place at the Whelan Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey and for the first time in the pageant’s history, the contestants did not compete in the swimsuit category. Instead, they had a red carpet segment that allowed the contestants to talk more and I was so not here for it. I’m team #Swimsuit because I Iove that it showed Miss America can be smart, beautiful, and fit. Also, the fitness portion adds more of a competitive edge that I thnk is necessary within the competition.





Nia Imani Franklin

State: New York

School: The University of North Carolina School of the Arts

College Major: Music Composition

Scholarship Winnings: $17, 250

Social Impact Initiative: Advocating for the Arts

Miss America empowered me to: champion for all children to have access to quality art education.

Bio: Music has been a major part of my Miss America journey. I composed my first song at age six – “Love, love, love, love, love, is the only thing that matters to me hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.” My dedication to the arts influenced my educational choices, resulting in my master of music composition degree. Although I was a minority in my school, I connected with my peers based on our mutual love of the arts. For the Miss America Organization, I will bring my zeal for music and performance, and be a strong support for arts in education.

Nia’s talent for me was the highlight of the show and the best of all the performances. She sung “Quando m’en vo’” from the opera “La Boheme”. I think what really pushed it over the edge for me was the fact that society is not accustomed to Black Girls singing in that style and it was absolutely beautiful to hear.


The new Miss America is absolutey BEAUTIFUL. I seriously can’t get enough of this MELANATED Queen. Additioanlly you know I was excited to see a black girl win the crown. Being that the last Black Queen was in 2010. Additioanlly Nia is the 4th New Yorker in 7 years to win the title. The New York Queens have been slaying the Miss America Scene.,

Nia hails from Winston-Salem, North Carolina where she also competed for the title of  Miss North Carolina in 2016. So Nia has been waiting her turn and working hard towards securing the crown. Additiohnally, for those of you who do not keep up with Miss America throughout the year there was a huge controversy in August of 2018 with the previous title holder Cara Mund of North Dakota who pinned an open letter where she talked about how unhappy she was with her reign as Miss America 2018. She called the Miss America Organization out for silencing and bullying. It was really quite sad to read about the fact that she truly did not get to enjoy what was suppose to be one of the best years of her life. Read Cara’s letter here. With that being said the Miss America Organization know not to even try that same mess with a Black Woman as QUEEN because we do not tolerate the BS and if all else fails the Black Queens across America will surely have Nia’s back.

Congratulations NIA I look forward to watching you put into action your advocation for the Arts and inspiring our youth around the country as well and making America Proud and especially Black Women.


Remember To Always Be

Fierce and Fabulous

xoxo Lela Victoria

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