Miss Universe 2013

The  2013 Miss Universe Pageant was held in Moscow, Russia at the Crocus City Hall on November 9, 2013. This was the 62nd time that this pageant has been held. The reigning queen was Miss Olivia Culpo (Miss USA) 
The Winning Queen was MISS VENEZUELA Maria Gabriela Isler check her out below rocking the attire that she wore for the national costume portion of the pageant. 
86 countries were represented at the pageant this year and all the ladies looked amazing. Venezuela has had 7 women’s over the past 62 years that’s the seconds most wins behind the 8 winners the USA have had. 

It looks as if the ladies of Venezuela have a point to prove and are coming for the ladies of the great USA. Congratulations. To Maria Isler she looks amazing wearing the Miss Universe crown. 

                     Remember To Always Be 
                     Fierce and Fabulous 

                                 Xoxo Lela Victoria

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