card by announcing Colin Kaepernick as the face of the 30th Anniversary of the #JustDoIt campaign.

This simply means FIGHT FOR whatever cause you are passionate about even if it means you might lose something or everything. This statement can be compared to the fact that in August 2016 Colin Kaepernick decided to silently and peacefully protest at an NFL game by kneeling during the National Anthem to bring awareness to the Police Brutality that was rampant and still is in America. The idea to kneel in protest was suggested to Colin by a Veteran. They both knew that with a platform such as Colin’s ( the Quarterback of the 49ners) It would surely grasp the attention of America and it did. Colin simply knelt down during a song that celebrates the killing of slaves in the third stanza even if it meant that he was risking losing his NFL career which he surely did. He lost his career but became a voice for his people.
Some people are in their feelings and are so salty about NIKE decision’s to feature Colin Kaepernick. The Make America Great Again ( MAGA) supporters are the main group expressing their outrage and it is quite hilarious. They feel like Colin and the other NFL players should just shut up and run the ball. They think that the opression that these NFL players and black Americans speak of does not exist simply because what we endure can not be as bad as other countries therefore we should shut up. Well I’m here to tell you that you will not get us to SHUT UP and we will continue to be vocal about the injustices that go on in America.
The only question I have for MAGA supporters is what way do you think is the most appropriate way to protest. When we are loud and in the streets you have a problem and when we protest in silence you still have a problem. I am convinced it’s not protesting that you have an issue with it is the fact that we are highlighting the negativity that African Americans in this country are faced with on a daily basis. You are mad because America’s truth is being put out there for the world to see.
So the MAGA crew has decided to #BOYCOTTNIKE and have started doing so by burning NIKE gear that they already owned and have paid for which makes absolutely no sense. I’m trying to understand how does burning something that you already paid for and that NIKE has already profited off of equates to boycotting. I sometimes think that these MAGA supporters lack common sense. Especially when you do something like this.
Come on folks why would burn NIKE merchandise that you are wearing. What logical sense does that make. Anyways you have fun Boycotting and we will have fun laughing on the sidelines.
Just make sure you BURN those NFL jerseys along with the NCAA Jerseys as well because NIKE sponsors your favorite school if you want to truly keep it real. That goes for ALABAMA AND AUBURN Jerseys as well. Im especially speaking to those in my homestate of Alabama.
If you do not support NIKE what you can do is donate your NIKE gear to the less fortunate especially to those VETERANS you like to bring up when you are trying to highlight how unpatriotic it is to kneel when it comes to the National Anthem. I know you do not truly care about Veterans only when you want to use them to support your argument. Additionally as a VETERAN Myself I did not take an oath to defend a piece of cloth ( the flag) or some song. I took an oath to defend the Constitution and the American way of life which includes anyone’s right to protest.
Just a reminder the same folks who are against what Colin Kaepernick is standing for probably was against this protest as well
We see yall out here letting your racist ways push through and NOTE has been taken.
Also to my fellow BLACK PEOPLE, I need you to support NIKE like it’s going out of Business lets show them the power of the BLACK DOLLAR. NIKE did not have to stand in solidarity with COLIN or Serena yet they choose to support even with the knowledge that they will receive negative backlash. I need some new running shoes so I guess I’m about to go get me a fresh pair of NIKEs. I only wear NIKEs anyways.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria