Okay everyone remain calm, stay seated, no need to hit any backwards flips or anything, but I come bearing amazing news. Our soul sistah Lauryn Hill has released a new track through itunes on 4 May 2013. No one was expecting her to release new music this fast, especially on a random saturday. This is her first solo track since 2010’s Repercussions. Miss Lauryn Hill is not playing any games about her new music, she’s ready to make this money and make her comeback.
We all have heard that Lauryn has had some issues with not paying taxes, and faces tax fraud charges. Therefore she’s decided to make money the best way she knows how, and has made her to return to the music industry. Lauryn has a strong fan base, so wondering whether or not people will buy the single should not be a worry. The new track features Lauryn rapping to a futuristic beat about today’s society and she’s holding nothing back.
Hill released a statement today saying
“Here is a link to a piece that I was ‘required’ to release immediately, by virtue of the impending legal deadline,” Hill wrote on her tumblrhttp://mslaurynhill.tumblr.com in regards to the new song. “I love being able to reach people directly, but in an ideal scenario, I would not have to rush the release of new music… but the message is still there. In light of Wednesday’s tragic loss (of former label mate Chris Kelly), I am even more pressed to YELL this to a multitude that may not understand the cost of allowing today’s unhealthy paradigms to remain unchecked!”
Check out her new single below Neurotic Society