The video begins with Kelly laying in a pool of water in a sadden state.
Then it moves to her sitting in a chair singing her heart out about the pains and struggles that she endured while being in the music industry.
She sings behind a pair of shades with tears streaming down her face
She takes the glasses off and her eyes are filled with tears
AT THIS MOMENT I REALIZED WHEN YOU ARE A SINGER, especially a female singer you have to be a pretty decent actress so that you can sell your video, and Kelly does a great job at letting her emotions show through in this video.
She’s at a dinner wearing a white dress with a man he gets up pissed off and the look on her face is unbearable. In the process of getting up he knocks a glass of wine over and it spills onto Kelly’s dress and the look on her face screams devastation. Check out the video below and prepare to have your emotions rocked.