I honestly feel sorry for Kanye West fans, yall have taken the ultimate LOSS. It would be wise for you to take my advice and call it quits now. Especially since your fav had the nerve to speak those pathetic words of “Make America Great Again” and he was not joking when he said it.
I am so sick of Kanye West and his unprofessional Bullcrap. Now I was all here for him interrupting Taylor Swift because he did it for Beyonce, and yall know Beyonce is the Queen. But recently Kanye West has been doing the most and he is out of hand and out of control and honestly, somebody needs to put him in his place.
Additionally, EARTH to Kanye a concert is not the place to go a rant. Your fans came to see you perform and unless you are speaking positive things, no one is here for your negativity and pity party. No one wants to see or hear you blame Beyonce for your 7 seven years of unfortunate luck and downward spiral of your career. You might want to look at who you associate with i.e. ( who you married) and blame YOURSELF for the decisions that you made. As a member of the BEYHIVE what you will not do is come for Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter.
Last but not least let’s get this video drama straight. The FORMATION music video trumps your famous video. Let us count the many ways on how Formation is superior over Famous. The imagery in Formation sparked a nationwide controversy, it brought attention to the movement and what is currently going on in our country. While Famous simply depicted naked people in a bed together. Please elaborate on how Famous does anything great because it’s obvious I can’t see past the ass and tits that are on display in your video.
I’ll leave you with these final words. “GROW UP KANYE”
No one cares that you were hurt and your feelings matter bruh. Stop whining and crying like a punk a** you know what and go be a great music artist who respects his fans because right now YOU ARE FAILING at that.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria