These rallies are meant to demand justice for Trayvon Martin.
The rally in New York City is being hosted by Rev Al Sharpton’s Nation Action Network and this is being done to push for civil rights charges to be filed against Zimmerman. In attendance of this rally is Sybrina Fulton (the mother of Trayvon Martin) and even celebrities such as Beyonce and Jay Z
Rev. Sharpton reflected back on his immediate actions upon hearing about the shooting of Trayvon Martin. He flew to the city of Sandford Florida and organized a rally to honor Trayvon. Rev Sharpton even chose to do this after hearing that his beloved mother had passed away. He states, “But I went down because if I couldn’t hug my mother, I could hug Trayvon Martin’s mother,” WHAT A POWERFUL STATEMENT, it shows how passionate he is about fighting for the right of others.
While Trayvon’s mother in in New York his father is home in Miami rallying for his son’s honor today
We lost a young black man, and we do not need to lose another one. ZIMMERMAN violated Martin’s civil rights on the night of February 26, 2012. Although he was found not guilty he can still be brought down. I hope you did your part and signed the NAACP petition .