If We Had Your Eyes ( new single ) Michelle Wililams

We never really here much from the sultry third member of the group Destiny’s Child. Michelle Williams ” birth name” Tenitra Michelle Williams is set to release her fourth album soon which will be entitled ” Journey To Freedom” She recently released the single If We Had Your Eyes, which gives off a gospel and R&B vibe.

Now that the single has been released, Michelle has moved on to bigger and better things and has released her video to that single, and I love it.

Michelle Williams’s song ” If We Had Your Eyes” is strong and has a powerful meaning and to go along with that powerful song is a powerful video.

On a daily basis we prejudge one another all the time ” In the video Michelle sends a message through the use of different characters and old an Destiny’s Child member Letoya Luckett even plays a small role in the video. This track is sampled from Lenny Williams and produced by Harmony Samuels.
The video ends with her wearing a hoodie. Hmmm does that remind you of something that recently shook our nation. Yes she’s embodying the hoodie that Trayvon Martin was wearing the night he was murdered by George Zimmerman. Because YES TRAYVON WAS MISJUDGE.  By doing this Michelle is simply saying DO NOT PASS JUDGEMENT think about things through God’s eyes. Great video and what an amazing song Michelle thanks for giving it to us

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