Hey everyone I hope you had a blessed and prosperous 2015. Now that 2016 is before us it’s time to tackle those goals we set and to leave our mark and imprint upon 2016. As you know I spent 80 percent of 2015 deployed to the country of Bahrain so I have much to accomplish in this upcoming year. There are so many places I want to visit and many things I will like to tackle. Please take advantage of this new season to improve upon yourself both Professionally and Personally. My advice to you would be to create a vision board and/or write down what goals that you have for yourself this year. By doing this you allow yourself to visually see what it is you would like to achieve. You should always be looking for ways to better yourself, the lives of others and your community.
My goals for 2016 consist of the following:
1) Become USATF Level 1 coaching certified
2) Officially launch my website
3) Start a non-profit
4) Read as much as possible
5) Grow my BLOG and Mary Kay Business
6) Finish my Masters Degree
7) Live a healthier life style
8) Improve my makeup skills
9) Learn more about investing
10) Win the Ms US Universal Title
What are some of your goals for the new year, let me know in the comment section.
Enjoy 2016 and lets make it a good one.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
Lela Victoria