Happy 2014


I’m excited to be writing my first blog post of the new year. With every new years comes a fresh start for me, one reason is because my birthday is Dec 30 and my age changes with every new year. I turned 24 this year and I find it so hard to believe that I’m almost a quarter of a century old. Time really does fly. 2013 was an interesting and fun year for me. I traveled to Cali, Vegas, Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Phoenix, and up the east coast to Virginia. I definitely was on the move and hope to do the same in 2014. I really can’t sit still.  I have determined that whatever job I have after I get out of the Army better entails me to do a lot of traveling. In 2013 I did my first boudoir photoshoot and got to practice being sexy. Let me tell you, it is not as easy as you would think it would be. Naturally being sexy does not come easy for me and I struggle with looking fierce all the time when i need to soften up and bring out the sex appeal.  I got to experience what Black Hollywood is like and meet new people. I attended my first concert and saw my favorite singer “BEYONCE” twice. She was so amazing I had to go back for a second dose of Queen Bey. If you haven’t seen her in concert you are definitely missing out.

Let me stop dwelling on the past and focus on the future. 2014 is here and I really feel as if it came too fast. I’m still reminiscing off my awesome 2013. One of the things I hope to accomplish in this new year is the completion of my personal website. www.lelavictoria.com
If you go to that site you will see a blank page. I already completed the first step and purchased the domain name from GO DADDY, now i need to find a site to host it and put in the work and start creating my website. I really was being lazy with this. I bought the domain name in October of 2013, so yeah I have been slacking. One of the reason for wanting to start my own personal site is because of my blog. I want to move my blog to my personal site. I’m grateful for blogger let me host my blog on their site but I want to make my blog more personal and I think that can be done by having it on my own personal owned website.  I’m still working on how that will exactly work out so if anyone know of anyone who is computer savvy send me their name and help a sister out. I need a little help. I can’t wait to finally complete it and share it with everyone.

Also in 2014 I plan to take the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test). In undergradI majored in American Legal Studies (pre law) and I enjoyed the courses I took while at West Point, so it’s only right that I pursue law. Our legal system is seriously flawed and I would like to contribute to possibly fixing a broken system. Also the law world is something that God wants me to do. He’s given me many signs therefore whether I want to or not, law and Lela has been placed in the stars. Im hoping to do more with modeling in the year of 2014 and at least walk in a show or do a photoshoot every month, I really can’t waste time I am not getting any younger.

I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who takes the time to read my blog. Thank you to those of you who support what I do. I really appreciate it more than you will ever know. Leave a comment on a blog every now and then I’ll comment back.

Also follow me on twitter and instagram @LelaV89

Remembers To Always Be 
Fierce and Fabulous 
Lela Victoria 

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