Feidin Santana by MRG

I was recently introduced to a song entitled Feidin Santana by one of my friends and I instantly fell in love with the lyrics of this song. The artist is MRG and it is produced by Mr. Carmack and in his song he highlights the shooting of Charleston resident Walter Scott. 

Walter Scott was killed by a North Charleston Police officer April 4, 2015. He was pulled over due to a broken brake light. 50 year old Walter Scott chose to flee after the cop returned to his car. The police officer (Michael Slager) pursued Scott where he fired off his taser. Scott continue to flee which resulted in Slager  firing 8 rounds at Scott from behind (his back was to the cop) therefore he was not a threat. Scott was impacted by 5 bullets, 3 striking his back one in his buttocks and one in his ear. In the initial police report Slager lied and said that Scott had taken his taser and he felt that his life was threathen. 

( Walter Scott is depicted below, he also was a veteran) 

Thankfully there was a bystander who recorded the deadly shooting and his name was Feidin Santana. The video footage provided by Feidin Santana revealed the truth and it was discovered that Scott was several feet in front of the police officer when the shots were fired. Santana decided to come forward when he heard the police report stated false information. 

( Fiedin Santana is depicted below ) 

 MRG raps from the respective of Santana on the day that the shooting took place. The words are powerful and I love that MRG adds some of his Dominican Republic swag to the song. Listening to the song takes you to Charleston and makes you feel as if you yourself are watching the events play out. This is the music that I love the most. It’s the music that has substance and purpose. Check out the song below

Follow MRG on twitter at @MRGwingteam


Lyrics are Below


Today is April 4 and it’s a beautiful sabado (Saturday)

I get up and brush my teeth, cause my moms is making platano’s

my favorite meal ever, me gusto …

I finish i give her a hug and say ta omo mami

I go back to my room as i get ready for work

grinding to get my girl the new clothes she most definitely deserves

and my boys some brand new kicks, they both motivation

that’s why I moved here from DR, you know immigration

in search of a better life the American dream

cause most people born here, just ain’t aware of the things

they take for granted, I got some goals

and I’m gonna make em happen

got a passion to be successful so there can’t be no slacking

I’m walking out the crib i see right next to the bus stop

my man is there waiting rocking them jordans he just got

i dap him up and compliment his new kicks

and laugh when i tell him I rock them way better when i get some new tips

as i keep making my way to the barbershop

i notice there’s a man who’s confronted by a charleston cop

everything is fine i see nothing that he did wrong

the cop is just grimy to the man cause of his skin tone

the cop pulls out his taser, shocks the man moments later,

for no reason at all, can’t believe what i saw

so i take out my phone instantly then i began to see

the man starts to running, the cops draws his gun and

several shots to his back, my hand shaking

how the fuck he gon do him like that

now he lying on his stomach hanging on to his life

middle age man he probably got some kids and a wife

and what’s worse after the shooting, now the cops ain’t do nothing

instead of treating the wounds they go and handcuff him

I got to keep my cool, cause the phone is still on recording

he noticed me from afar, but i play it off and ignore him

I act unaware I’m minding my own business frontin

real calm like a n*gga ain’t just witness nothing,

but now the cop wants to talk to me he says walk with me

but i refuse and bounce, when I’m back at my house

first thing i do is play the video back

iIpick something up, that I ain’t initially catch

I see the cop drop a taser right next to the victim

so the scene looks like a struggle and the cop had to kill him

right in front of my eyes, i see the corrupted system

murked down on the corner, now this dude ain’t no different

my mind racing bout this video, should I delete

I’m scared as hell, a n*gga wondering if he should keep it

or should i get my sh*t and get the fuck up out of town

lord please give me strength, tell me what I should do now

wait a second I’m bugging, what if that was my cousin

a wifey a baby boy, the ones that I’m leaving for

the next thing I go do is go and check the police report

It’s all fake, they wrote about this sh*t I ain’t see before

they say they gave him CPR, but ain’t do sh*t

I got the video on my phone, aye I can prove it

I got to do the right thing, got crucial information

so I go to the station, and my hand still shaking

tell them about the video, I got of the cop

I pray justice is served, Rest In Peace Walter Scott, damn







Remember To Always Be

Fierce and Fabulous

xoxo Lela Victoria

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