The Summer Season is upon us and that means more sun, less clothing, and lots of judgmental people with irrelevant opinions. This period of the year should be a joyous one. Whether you are vacationing with your family, going on a girls trip with your closest friends, or staying close and embracing the local summer festivities you are going to want to express yourself and live out loud which is perfectly fine. Actually, it is highly recommended that you indeed live your best life because a lot of the time we are out here living for others and consistently putting ourselves last and that has to stop. It is not healthy and it should not be the rhetoric that we embrace on a daily basis.

Now we all know this time of year can somewhat be overwhelming and stressful especially when it comes to identifying how expressive can you be and what will others say. Regardless of how much we try not to allow other’s opinions to influence our decisions sometimes, it does occur. With that being saying do not let anyone stop your shine during this time of year. If you want to wear that crop top wear it. Let your stomach breathe and cover up for no one. If you want to wear those short shorts do so with no hesitation or reservations. If you want to rock a risqué swimsuit do it to the fullest. Remember showing skin is a good thing during the Summer months and if anyone has anything to say about it tell them that you came out of the womb naked so they can take it or leave it. In the end, as long as you are comfortable that is all that truly matters. Love the skin that you are in.

Most importantly make sure that you take time to focus on yourselves and focus and Self Care. If you are stressed, depressed, lonely, and overwhelmed do not be afraid to seek help. There are numerous resources out there to assist with the care that you may need. Ladies also along with taking care of yourself please remember that we indeed are our Sister’s Keepers. Educate yourself on what you should be on the lookout for when it comes to identifying someone who may be depressed or suicidal. This allows you to be in the know and to be able to have a positive impact upon the life of those that you love. Everyone is not comfortable with seeking help, therefore, being able to identify the signs gives you the ability to encourage the help that is needed or to assist them with seeking it out.


National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Resources to support someone in crisis – www.bethe1to.com

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 for free 24/7 crisis support in the U.S.

Find a Therapistwww.psychologytoday.com

Not sure if you are depressed? Take the PHQ-9 assessment and follow up with your doctorhttps://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Home/GetFileByID/218\

Remember To Always Be

Fierce and Fabulous

xoxo Lela Victoria

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