El Paso Fashion Week 2016 ( NO TALK JUST WALK )


When we think of fashion week New York Fashion Week or Paris Fashion Week immediately come to mind. Outside of the big infamous fashion weeks smaller cities around America have started to have their own fashion weeks. This allows the love of fashion to be expressed nation wide and for local designers to showcase their clothing lines to those in their select region and city. The benefit of smaller American cities having its own fashion week also allows of local models to get exposure and experience and for the residents to experience the environment as well. In the end it is a win for everyone and the ability to over have a great time.

October 15-22 El Paso Fashion week was held in El Paso, Texas and I myself got the opportunity to participate in the event by walking in the Finale Runway Show that closed El Paso fashion week. Throughout the week small fashion shows were held along with an El Paso Top Model competition as well. Being that I am in the military and am no where near New York City or Los Angeles walking in our nation’s big fashion week shows are typically out of the question. This was my 3rd year participating in El Paso Fashion week and my 2nd time walking in the finale show. Overall I enjoyed myself and the experience and it’s always fun to bring out the runway walk and the fierce face and along with having the opportunity to embrace the world of fashion.

I highly suggest you check out the fashion weeks that happened in your local city. They will provide you with a taste of the fashion world and you will get to support local designers and models. Check out pictures from me at the event and on the runway.

Remember To Always Be

Fierce and Fabulous

xoxo Lela Victoria


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