I’m so over the Miss Universe Organization at this point. First they let their newly crowned queen Deshauna Barber continuously get disrespected while they remain silent. Now their newly crown 2016 TEEN USA queen thinks it’s okay to freely use the N-word. From what I see, the Miss Universe organization condones this type of behavior and I do not approve of it.

I see that Miss Teen USA Karlie Hay and others want to highlight that she was young. Yes!!! she might have been young, but young doesn’t necessarily mean dumb. Age is not s logical excuse because at that age I know she at least had common sense. I mean she even had the audacity to go in between using the version that ends with *ER* and the one that ends with an *A*
Also we don’t accept that fake and phony apology. That apology is WEAK .. She didn’t even apologize for the usage of the word and she’s only sorry that she was CAUGHT and EXPOSED
Additionally the recent Miss Florida USA 2016 was dethroned a few weeks ago for using her own makeup up and hair stylist instead of doing her hair and makeup herself. MUO had no problem dethroning this woman but wants to support the teen winner that likes to throw around racial slurs because she thinks its funny.

MUO released a statement for Hay
But didn’t say nothing when Deshauna won and mofos straight up disrespected her with racist comments and folks even had the nerve to say she didn’t look America oh but she’s qualified to serve, fight, and die on behalf of the country.
MUO do the right thing, dethroned Karlie Hay and crown Miss North Carolina Teen USA (the runner up) as the new Miss Teen USA.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria