Michelle is still strictly a Gospel singer outside of her DC3 shenanigans, while Beyonce and Kelly both switch it up from time to time. All the ladies started singing in the church, just like many black female musicians” therefore it is not strange to see Kelly and Beyonce willingly switching back to the gospel side with such ease.
I personally love how Beyonce can sing about being on her knees in a limo in her song “Partition” and Kelly can sing about liking her “Kisses Down Low” and then they switch it up and contribute to Michelle’s gospel single. Now that is what you call being diverse with your music. And before anyone brings out the negativity in this just know that Beyonce and Kelly are both married women and can technically do whatever they want along with singing about it. Also Michelle and the ladies of DC3 are business savvy individuals and know how much of a plus it would be to contribute to Michelle’s newest single. It’s nice to see the ladies come together and help one another out.
Say Yes has a very upbeat tempo and a catchy tune so from the beginning Michelle was winning with this song. The director of the video Michael A. Cherry was able to capture a unique perspective of the video. The visuals in the video are colorful and give off an African/Caribbean vibe. We also get a pleasant surprise of seeing Michelle do a little 2 step. The ladies sing about not having to worry about a thing and putting it all in God’s hands. We typically live stressful lives on a daily basis and being able to just give it all to God/Jesus at the end of the day is our way of letting the lord have his way with was was already meant to be.
Kudos to you Michelle on the release of your new single and video I look forward to purchasing your album in September. Keep switching it up singing praises unto the creator above.
Check out the music video below
It is really great to see gospel singers step outside the box and add a little twist to their genre of music. It doesn’t hurt to leave the tradition ways behind sometimes.
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