This win is historic because there has never been a Black Woman to hold the position of Governor within the United States and no Woman has ever been Governor in the state of Georgia.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that we are still accomplishing the first of anything but then I remind myself that African Americans and Women did not receive a head start in life therefore we are still playing catch up and are continuing with pushing towards success with the hopes of achieving that desired equality that one day will be a reality.
Stacey Abrams defeated Stacey Evans ( YES YALL somehow some way we had to Staceys on the ballot) talk about confusing, but as we can see the voters got it right with this one and chose Abrams to move on. Additionally this win is a reminder to Black girls/women nationwide that we have a voice and we have the power to accomplish anything that we set our minds towards.
Stacey will continue to campaign and will run against the person that wins the Republican Nomination for Governor of Georgia during the election in November. Currently there will be a runoff for the Republican Nomination between Brian Kemp and Casey Cagle. In the meantime we need to keep pushing Stacey Abrams’ agenda and informing the voters of Georgia on who Stacey is and what policies, rules, and regulations do she stand behind.
Previously Stacey served in the Georgia House of Representative where she held the position of House Minority Leader. Within the state of Georgia she was the first woman to lead any party within the Georgia Assemble and the first African American to do so which shows she is no stranger to being the first at many things. I hope she is able to continue with being the first with eventually being voted into the Governor position this November. Good luck Stacey your community and the state of Georgia are rooting for you, because we all know you are more than qualified to lead your state. Lets Bring Some #BLACKGIRLMAGIC and great leadership to the Governor Position in the State of Georgia.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria