Beyonce’s Dance Captain Ashley Everett gets her ring

Y’all know I’m a die hard Beyonce fan and anything concerning Beyonce and her girl’s I am all over it. Last night Beyonce and her awesome Formation World Tour returned to the stage for round 2 of her tour through the United States. After canceling her show that was set for September 7th at the Met Stadium due to the fact that she needed to rest her voice, the Queen and her infamous tour returned to the stage in St. Louis, Missouri.

Being a fanatic beyhive member or Beystan, I know what goes on during most of her shows and when the show starts each night. My phone literally blows up with Beyonce notifications. Anyways I get an update that Beyonce has added Single Ladies back to her performance set list, and that made my night. For those of you who don’t know Single Ladies is my favorite Beyonce song.

Turns out Beyonce added Single Ladies for a very special reason and that reason was to assist with the proposal of her dance captain Ashley Everett. Ashely has been rocking with Beyonce for nearly 10 years and can be scene in numerous of Beyonce music videos such as ( DIVA, EGO, SINGLE LADIES, and SWEET DREAMS) She is also featured in Beyonce Heaven music video where she plays Beyonce’s best friend and can be seen through out the visual album for the BEYONCE album and throughout LEMONADE.

In the middle of performing Single Ladies, Beyonce stops singing and dancing. She then proceeds to talk about bringing someone on stage and a few moments later. Ashley Everett’s boyfriend ( now finance ) John Silver comes onto stage. He’s a St. Louis native and used the moment to profess his love for Ashley and proceeded with getting down on one knee and asking the BIG QUESTION to which Ashley responded with yes.

Check out the proposal video below



Remember To Always Be

Fierce and Fabulous

xoxo Lela Victoria

2 Replies to “Beyonce’s Dance Captain Ashley Everett gets her ring”

  1. That was the cutest video! Thanks for sharing!

    1. No problem and yes he definitely set the standard for most greatest proposal

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