The Carter Push Party had an African theme and Beyonce can be seen wearing a skirt with her baby bump covered in Henna tattoos. As you can tell she is definitely carrying twins and she is very open with her body this pregnancy which I love. Simply because the human body expecially while carrying life is extremely beautiful.
The guest dressed according to the theme and looked great doing in all their cool African prints and patterns.
The event looked both kid and adult friendly. From the looks of Beyonce the twins will be arriving any day now. Try not to let these fake blogs and news outlets fool you, because they will published false news just to be the first to put news out. Such as the posts written yesterday about Bey given birth, which were completely false.
Anyways I’m excited for the twins and can gladly say that Yonce slayed the hell out of this pregnancy.
Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria