Beyonce’s music video Hold Up has been transferred into a video game created by Joe Laquinte, Justin Au, Line Johnsen, and Colby Spear and I’m here for it. As I always say ( When will your FAV ever). In the music video Hold up Beyonce focuses on stage 2 “Denial”of Kubler Ross’s stages of grief. Beyonce talks about how her love is unending and can not be topped she’s in denial that her love apparently is not good enough and proceeds to transfer that denial into the third stage which is Anger. Throughout the video she is seen smashing cars and breaking fire hydrants. These actions are transferred into the Lemonade Rage game where the Beyonce character is tasked with smashing obstacles ( cars and fire hydrants ) that appear in her path. The game is basic and far from complex but still overall due to the concept is great to play a few times.
Here is the link to the game

Remember To Always Be
Fierce and Fabulous
xoxo Lela Victoria