This movie focuses on two wives and how they deal with the assasinations of their husband. Coretta Scott King and Dr Betty Shabazz.
Coretta was the late wife of The Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Betty was the wife of Malcom X. When Malcom was assassinated Coretta came to her side and together they struggle to continue on their husband’s legacy.
Coretta Scott King is played by Angela Basset while the role of Dr Betty Shabazz is played by R&B singer Mary J Blidge. Both of these women tell a story about how they continued to fight for what their husbands believed in while also being single mothers.
Their husband might have been killed but their IDEAs continue to thrive on. This movie displays the power of friendship and shows just how strong a woman can be when she is faced with adversity. Be sure to watch the movie tonight on lifetime at 8pm eastern time, 7pm central time, and 6pm mountain time.
I hope you guys enjoy the movie, and learn a few things about these 2 great women. Watch the preview and check out more pictures from the movie below.
Fierce & Love